Sunday, July 22, 2007

Bully can't sleep

Bully's latest series on falling asleep in anticipation of HP&tDH is yet another reason to love that little stuffed bull:
John has looked up from watching Flight of the Conchords and said to me "I thought you were going to bed early tonight, Bully." I fixed him with my very stern stare and said "I am already in bed but simply taking a short break from sleeping," and then trotted back quickly with my laptop under my arm, just in case there is some breaking HP-early release news.

I am now going to totally go to sleep. When I wake up it will be morning and time to go to get Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Goodnight, everyone! Sweet dreams! I shall be dreaming of Quidditch and Cho Chang myself.

1 comment:

Bully said...

Awww, thanks, J.R.! I realized how hard it is to tell a sequential story via kind of have to start at the bottom and work your way up!